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The Mission to Improve Global Health Through insects (MIGHTi), a UW-based research project, and our partners invite you to engage with nutritional, environmental, artistic, cultural, and culinary aspects of eating insects.
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*Insect Food Photos Provided Courtesy of Brooklyn Bugs*
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Well, for starters, they can be delicious. Worldwide, thousands of species of insects contribute to human diets, and many are prized as delicacies. For creative cooks, the vast biodiversity of insects offers a palette of unique flavors, unmatched in breadth throughout the animal kingdom.Â
As the global population increases and climate change intensifies, it is essential that we develop creative, sustainable, and resilient strategies for agriculture and food security. Compared to conventional livestock, insect agriculture typically requires less land, feed, and freshwater inputs to produce a comparable amount of nutritious food. Some insects are adept recyclers, capable of turning inedible waste into something nutritious and digestible. Growing insects for human consumption and animal feed promises to be a part of developing equitable, sustainable food systems in the future.
Swarm-to-Table invites the curious public to explore research around insect agriculture and cuisine. Join us in celebrating the role of insects in human health, sustainable agriculture, and existing food culture.
APRIL 25-27, 2024
April 25th
2:00-3:00 PM
Science Hall, Room 15, 550 N. Park Street
Entomology, Creativity, and Sustainability: a chat with Barrett Klein
Barrett Klein is a scientist and "entomoartist" who examines the portrayal of insects in art, education, and science. He is fluent in a variety of media and subjects, and will share perspectives on the intersection of entomophagy, culture, insects, and art.Â
Please join us for an artist talk and discussion:
April 27th

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Dr. van Huis is an emeritus professor of tropical entomology at Wageningen University in The Netherlands. He is the author of more than 150 peer reviewed publications, including more than 40 research publications on edible insects, and the seminal 2013 United Nations FAO report on the topic. He is founder and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Insects as Food and Feed.

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Joseph Yoon is a professional chef and self-described edible insect ambassador. In his work with 连接外网app软件, he has emphasized the development of beautiful and delicious techniques for cooking insects. His work has been showcased on the Smithsonian channel, and LIVE with Kelly and Ryan, among many other media appearances.

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Aly Moore is an LA-based edible insect promoter, blogger, and pairing expert interested in the role insects will play in foodsystems as agriculture is affected by a changing climate. She specializes in creating perfect pairings between artisanal libations and the unique flavors of insects.
Swarm-to-Table is Brought to You By:

With Essential Support From
Our Partners & Donors:

The Sam Graham Catalyst Fund